
open records request for informants interview

Note:"open records request: I discovered after trial tha a secret recording was made of informant and sought it's contents, however police "claim "tape was destroyed.

Mr. Edward L Jackson SR. #244447
Green Bay Correctional Institution
Post Office Box 19033
Green Bay, WI 54307
June 20, 2005

Ms. Nanette Hegarty
Milwaukee Chief of Police
Police Administration Bldg.
749 W. State Street
Milwaukee, Wisconsin -53233-

RE: Case No. F-964321, Milwaukee Police Department Inventory No, 1599004.
Dear Ms. Hegarty:
I am a defendant/Appealle in the above mentioned case. I write to you today with the hopes that you will forward a copy of a transcribed conversation between a Timothy Dembry and Christopher Jones. This conversation was recorded as a follow-up by a Det. Larry Devalkenaere in regards to the case for which I am a Coconspirator.
The contents of this discussion was never revealed to myself nor my trial counsel. Recently I've combed through both the discovery I received before trial and recent discovery I obtained since my conviction. In this endeavor I came across an incident report which refers to this recording and a property inventory sheet listing (1) Micro tape. I now would ask that you release a copy of the tape or alternatively a transcript of it's contents to myself at the above listed address.
Thank you for your time and attention in this matter !
Respectfully Yours,
Edward L. Jackson Sr.

January 4, 2006
Mr. Edward Jackson Sr. # 244447
Green Bay Correctional Institution
P.O. Box19033 Green Bay, Wl 54307

Re: Case # F- 964321 , Milwaukee Police Department Inventory No. 1599004

Dear Mr. Jackson:

This is in response to your request for information pursuant to the Wisconsin Open Records Law. In your letter dated June 20, 2005, (copy attached) you requested the following

"...a copy of a transcribed conversation between a Timothy Dembry and Christopher Jones. ... I now would ask that you release a copy of the tape or alternatively a transcript of it's contents."

Please be advised that based upon the information provided, a check of the relevant files of the Milwaukee Police Department by the Property Control Section indicates that the tape as cited in MPD Property Inventory #1599004 was destroyed on 03-26-98, as indicated on the attached computer generated Property Disposition Sheet (see highlighted).
Police Administration Building, 749 West State Street, Post Office Box 531, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53201-0531 (414) 933-4444
Web Site: http://www.milwaukeepolice.o/
To Help or for more information, contact

FFUP ( Forum for Understansing Prisons) at, or 29631 Wild Rose Drive, Blue River, WI 53518

write to Edward Jackson #244447
Green Bay Correctional Institution
PO Box 19033
Green Bay, Wi 54307

on to post eight and another police report with no Jackson
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